Asphalt Resealing and Repairs

From roads to parking lots to driveways, paved has been a popular surface choice for many decades. Asphalt allows a surface to be laid in a faster time period than concrete and provides lower maintenance costs. It also provides a surface with excellent water runoff properties and a pleasant look.

But as with any surface material, asphalt requires periodic maintenance. Freezing and thawing during winter as well as salt residue, will eventually create the need for occasional repairs. Even minor repairs are important to avoid costly repaving down the road. A small crack in the top layer will allow water to seep into the pavement. Freezing and thawing will quickly widen the crack or create holes in the pavement.

The type of repair necessary depends on the size and nature of the damage. A quality sealcoating pittsburgh pa firm is important in these instances. One firm may recommend a complete repaving job when a less intrusive, less costly repair will suffice. On the other side of the spectrum, a low end liquid sealing job will not repair midsize and neither large cracks, nor will it fix an area wear the base pavement has failed. Sealing does not repair areas where the asphalt has begun to crumble.

The variety of repairs consists of the following:

  • Full depth replacement of an area that has failed. Special saws are used to cut to the base material and replace the all material in the damaged area. This is done on deep fissures that go down to the base;
  • Cut and removal of the sealer coat and top asphalt layer. The base material is compacted by machine and new asphalt and sealer are applied;
  • The top layer of asphalt can be removed by a grinding machine and a new top layer laid over the base;
  • Hole repair by cleaning all loose material, widening the hole by removing all deteriorating asphalt and filling with either a hot or cold patch material;
  • Sealing small cracks with liquid sealing tar.

When meeting with the repair contractor, ask questions to determine the extent of the damage, the repair needed, whether alternative repairs are available, and the chances of recurrence for each type of repair. Becoming educated to the process and the alternatives for each repair can help to avoid either unnecessary or shoddy repairs.