Why Fintech lenders are a preferred choice for SME Finance

In spite of the collateral cover and underwriting process, several public and private banks are burdened with heavy NPAs. This has resulted in banks tightening their lending process and stipulating additional conditions for loan grant. In such a situation, SMEs find it difficult to obtain SME finance, given the insistence of additional collateral. The loan application process in banks is long drawn and time-consuming.

On the other side, the Indian economy is a growth engine of the world. Thus, there is significant growth and business opportunities in the SME space, which requires funding. The gap between the demand and supply of SME finance has given birth to the new age fintech lenders. The fintech players are the preferred choice for SME finance as they have removed all the shortfalls of lending to SMEs that was present in the traditional banking system. Some of the advantages that fintech lenders offer …

How To Make Your Event Stand Out

Every weekend there are thousands of events held throughout the nation. People have a lot of options to choose from and event planners must find a way to get people interested. When you’re hosting an event, how do you make it stand out? What do you do to draw more people in? Below are three ways you can make one everyone can’t wait to attend.

Create a Fear of Missing Out

FOMO (fear of missing out) has been proven socially and psychologically to impact people’s decision-making processes. If people perceive that by not attending your event, they will be missing out on something amazing, they’re more likely to attend. Create FOMO by hitting social media and stress the urgency of the event. Let your audience know how unique it will be. Create a once-in-a-lifetime vibe, and people won’t want to miss it.

Create a Brand for Your Event

When you …

When is it Time to Buy New Office Furniture?

Many business owners like to put off buying new office furniture for as long as possible, but your own furniture will need to be updated eventually. Here are a few signs that it’s time to start looking for the best place to buy office furniture for your business.

Complaints About Back Pain

This should go without saying, but office furniture should be comfortable. You and your employees will be sitting in chairs and at desks for several hours a day, which can be incredibly hard on one’s body if they are using uncomfortable furniture. New furniture isn’t guaranteed to be more comfortable than what you already have, but it’s better than having your employees take sick days to let their bodies heal from bad office chairs.

Your Office Looks Outdated

You also should consider buying new office furniture if your office is starting to look outdated and shabby. This is …